You Have Your Car or Truck Routinely Maintained, Do You Have Your HVAC System Routinely Maintained?
Did you know that typical HVAC System runs 5 to 15 times more hours per day than the typical car? Yet, most homeowners who have their vehicles regularly maintained, overlook regular maintenance for their HVAC system. Even though a broken-down HVAC system can cause as much or more life disruption as a broken-down car, this critical system is frequently neglected when it comes to routine maintenance.

How are cars and HVAC systems similar?
Let’s look at some of the similar components between cars and HVAC systems. Like cars, HVAC systems have oil and lubricants. HVAC systems have radiators similar to cars. Air Conditioners like cars have freon. Cars have many motors like HVAC systems. And like most modern cars, HVAC systems have electronic controls and circuit boards. And of course, both have air filters.
At A & A Cooling & Heating LLC, we’re committed to keeping this important service affordable. For $9.99 per month (per system) A&A Cool Club Members get 2 seasonal tune-ups per year plus discounts on repairs.
Call A & A Cooling & Heating LLC today or go to our website to sign up.